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CJ Deas

Disciple-Making Culture at Covenant 2

Growing up is both challenging and a little scary. But over time, we usually learn what we need and take on the responsibilities of adulthood. The same is true in the Christian life. God wants us to grow up and become mature. We need to help each other through each phase of spiritual growth - exploration, growth, closeness to Christ, and Christ-centeredness.

CJ Deas

Disciple-Making Culture at Covenant

Just like there is a process to turn maple sap into maple syrup, there is a process of refinement for Christians called discipleship. Jesus is clear that we are called to make disciples. It doesn't just happen by itself. This is the first in a series of sermons on how we will intentionally develop Christ-centered disciples at Covenant.

CJ Deas

State of the Church - 2020

It is empowering to realize who we really are - loved and given purpose by the eternal God of the universe. We are meant to embrace God's love and reflect it to other people. As a church with this purpose, we have things to work on, things to be grateful for, and plans for the future.

Jim Lett

Spiritual Growth is a Family Affair

Just like families, we Christians go through a growth process - becoming less like a newborn Christian and more like a mature disciple. This goes along a Spiritual Continuum: Exploring Christ -> Growing in Christ -> Close to Christ -> Christ-centered. Reflecting on the Word of God is a key to growing on this path.

CJ Deas

Tales for 2020: Bags of God? Yes, Please!

Sometimes things don't seem fair. Some people have more opportunities or gifts. Some have fewer. But all of us have tremendous resources in Christ. He expects us to invest those resources back into His service, regardless of how many resources we have. This investment will always involve people, which is risky and inconvenient, but doing nothing is not an option. We need to faithfully make these investments on a daily basis until He returns.

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